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Symposium Schedule

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Saturday 04 November 2023

Saturday | Session 1 | Morning

Registration - From 7:30am

Exhibit Hall Tea & Coffee from 7:45am

8:30am Mr Andrew Whitfield-Cook - Auditorium Welcome. 

8:40am Dr Christine Houghton - Opening Address: Revelations of 21st Century Nutrition Science

9:30am Ms Amanda Archibald - The Mediterranean and Its Diet Through the Lens of Nutrigenomics 

10:20 - 10:50am Catered Morning Break: Exhibit Hall

10:55am Dr David Montgomery & Ms Anne Biklé - What Your Food Ate: Restoring Health to the Land and People

11:50am Dr Brad Leech - Functional Dysbiosis: The Food as Medicine Approach

12:45 - 1:45pm Catered Lunch Break: Exhibit Hall

Saturday | Session 2 | Afternoon

1:50pm Dr Yael Joffe - The Chicken and the Egg: Bringing Together the Worlds of Genetics and Epigenetics

2:40pm Dr Leland Stillman - Ironic Realities of Iron and Iron-Overload 

3:25 - 4:00pm Catered Afternoon Break: Exhibit Hall

4:05pm Dr Natessa Henville - When the Plumbing’s the Problem: Manual Therapy Approaches to Gastrointestinal Dysfunction

4:45pm Refreshments & Prize Draw

5:00pm Panel Discussion: All Speakers

6:00 - 8:30pm Evening Entertainment: Mediterranean-themed Gala 'Dinner in the Vineyard'

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'Iron overload is far more common than most clinicians realise, particularly among the elderly. Many serious health issues, including heart attacks, may be averted with proper balancing of iron within the body.'

Dr Leland Stillman (MD)

Conference presentation

Sunday 05 November 2023

Sunday | Session 1 | Morning

8:30am Exhibit Hall Open - Tea & Coffee

9:00am Mr Andrew Whitfield-Cook - Welcome

9:10am Dr Christine Houghton - Modulating the Biochemical ‘Orchestra’ We Call Inflammation

9:55am Dr Joanna McMillan - The Science and Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

10:30am Taste the Science Educational Event - A series of short presentations focused on foods with exceptional signalling and nutritional properties, accompanied by samples.

Presented by: Matthew Lim, Margeaux Kruger and Roberto Giammellucca

11:00 - 11:35am Catered Morning Break: Exhibit Hall

11:40am Dr Tim Ewer - An Integrative Approach to the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer and Neurodegenerative Disorders 

12:30pm Dr J. Helen Fitton - Seaweed Science, Dietary Studies and Clinical Potential

1:05 - 1:55pm - Catered Lunch Break: Exhibit Hall

Sunday | Session 2 | Afternoon

2:00pm Dr Yael Joffe - ‘Genes First’: Genetics as a Screening Tool

2:35 - 2:50pm Mini Break

2:50pm Ms Jenny Blondel - How to Build a Successful Practice with a Food-First Approach

3:25pm Ms Amanda Archibald - Culinary Genomics: Translating Nutrigenomic “Therapy” to the Plate

4:00pm Prize Draw and Closing Statements

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Cell-Logic Head Office

132-140 Ross Court

Cleveland, QLD, 4163

Tel: (07) 3488 0385

Intl: +617 3488 0385

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Cell-Logic is a proud supporter of Fare Share, an organisation which cooks free, nutritious meals that feed dignity and wellbeing for the disadvantaged of Brisbane.

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