The Secret Language of Food
- Symposium 2023 -
If there is one Symposium you should attend this year, this would be it!
Explore two full days of practice-transforming content, where you will discover the secret language of food and how to decode its healing signals into your clinical practice.
The science of Nutrition is evolving rapidly, revealing complex networks of intersecting biochemical pathways, wherein food-derived bioactive molecules are integral to the expression of the genes governing cellular function.
When these principles are implemented, your patients will be the winners!
Sixteen speakers from around the globe will guide us in unveiling the Secret Language of Food, a programme which is superbly complemented by an experiential gastronomic journey that includes a 'Taste the Science' educational event and a Mediterranean-themed gala event, 'Dinner in the Vineyard'.
We look forward to seeing you there!

WIN $2,000 in
Gold-Silver Bullion
Multiple prizes provided by our generous Partners will be drawn over the 2-days, culminating in the winner of $2,000 in Gold-Silver Bullion.
Participate in our 'Around the Mediterranean' Passport Exhibitor Challenge for your chance to WIN!
*Competition applicable to 2-day ticket holders.
See Symposium Handbook for details.
Why Attend
The evidence supporting the roles of macro- and micro-nutrients in human health has been well-established over many decades and has become the foundation on which clinicians address conditions they perceive to be nutrition-related.
Lesser-known are the roles played by other food molecules, many of which have been identified in the last 20 years as potent signalling molecules. This fact, together with the vast body of knowledge that emerged after the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 puts food rightfully back in the spotlight.
Nutrition Science emerging as the 21st Century unfolds is markedly enhancing our understanding of the complexity of food and especially the manner in which its thousands of bioactive molecules influence the expression of our genes; this knowledge must change the way we practise nutritional therapies.
This Symposium has been convened to highlight and simplify the complex and intricate interactions between food-derived molecules and human cells, thereby enabling clinicians to practically implement this added dimension to their patient care.

The Venue
The Cell-Logic International Symposium 2023 will be held at the architecturally-stunning State Library of Queensland, South Bank, Brisbane.
The picturesque views overlooking the Brisbane River makes this a stand-out venue. Nestled in the Cultural Precinct of South Bank, you can delight in the cultural surrounds and attractions South Bank has on offer.
Check out 'Visiting Brisbane' for accommodation, transport and tourist information.

'Food is THE information the body draws on to drive its internal operating system; we call it biochemistry. As such, food should be the first tool a practitioner uses as frontline therapy.
Food bioactives are the language human cells understand.'
Amanda Archibald (RD, BA(Hons), BSc)
Who Should Attend
Attendance as a delegate at ‘The Secret Language of Food’ Symposium will be most suited to clinicians across a range of natural medicine disciplines, including nutritional medicine, integrative medicine, naturopathic medicine, botanical medicine, dietetics, nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, holistic dentistry, researchers in nutrition science and nutritional biochemistry - and others where patients are provided with clinical advice on diet, nutrient or herbal supplementation.
We also encourage final year students of similar modalities to attend to gain a deeper understanding of the science that underpins clinical nutrition.

'Taste the Science'
Educational Event
What better way to enjoy 'The Secret Language of Food' - by tasting it of course!
Join Margeaux Kruger, Matthew Lim and Roberto Giammellucca as they discuss the emerging nutrition science behind convenient, patient-friendly and nutrient-dense foods which supply the nourishment and signalling molecules able to favourably influence gene expression.
This unique learn-as-you-taste educational event will leave you inspired and confident to put food-as-medicine back on the menu.

Exhibit Hall
Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea provide wonderful opportunities for browsing the Exhibit Hall, catching up with friends, colleagues and our valued Partners.
You will also have the chance to meet lesser-known exhibitors whose novel food products are very much in keeping with our theme. Most of all, we expect that you will take home some excellent tips to add to your clinician ‘toolbox’.
Our caterers have developed a delicious culinary selection to uphold the symposium theme, at the same time, providing for the varied dietary needs of our delegates.
The menus over the entire 2-day event have been carefully planned to integrate the many principles presented by our speakers.

'Dinner in the Vineyard'
Saturday 04 November
As dusk descends, the lights of the city are reflected in the gently-flowing Brisbane River. After an exhilarating day in the auditorium, we will be lulled into a relaxed and happy mood, drawn in excited anticipation to the music of the minstrels leading us across the courtyard to the recreation of a Mediterranean ‘Dinner in the Vineyard.’
An invitation to dine with peers and friends in an Italian home is a true expression of love, sharing and friendship. The traditional long tables laden with delicious foods, wine and sparkling water are at the very heart of the Mediterranean lifestyle, where a meal adds so many more dimensions to the experience than just the food itself.
Welcome to Cell-Logic’s family feast in the vineyard, a unique opportunity to celebrate with new friends - and old.

Meet Cell-Logic's Senior Scientist and Founder,
Dr Christine Houghton

It is my very great pleasure to welcome you to the 2023 Secret Language of Food Symposium, an exciting opportunity to showcase the changing face of Nutrition as Medicine.
The last 20 years have seen a veritable explosion in our understanding of the remarkable ways that individual food-derived signalling molecules can be harnessed for clinical benefit.
We look forward to having you join us alongside our exceptional line-up of international and local speakers, for what promises to be a thought-provoking educational programme your patients will appreciate.

'I am grateful to Cell-Logic for inviting me as a speaker to this ground-breaking “The Secret Language of Food” symposium. This is one of those unique opportunities where practitioners can learn about the power of food on our genes. I look forward to sharing my experience in integrating genetics into clinical practice, offering valuable, personalised food-based recommendations.
Dr Yael Joffe (RD, PhD, FACN)